The Counter Offer: How to Make the Right Choice.

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The Counter Offer: How to Make the Right Choice

July 6, 2023

So you’ve found your dream job, aced the interview process and have a job offer firmly in hand - great! If you’ve landed a new job, you might think the hard work is over once the offer is on the table.

However, if you have been a valuable asset in your current position, your employer might come to you with an attractive offer to stay with them. It’s a hard decision to make, especially when you have already decided that your best option is to leave. Before reacting to a counteroffer, it’s essential to weigh up the pros and cons of accepting or declining the offer. In this article, we will discuss what a counteroffer is, the benefits and drawbacks of accepting one and everything you need to consider.

What is a counter offer?

A job counteroffer refers to a situation where your current employer presents you with an improved offer to persuade you to stay with the company. This comes after you have already received and accepted a job offer from a different employer. It typically involves your current employer offering incentives such as a higher salary, better benefits, a promotion, increased responsibilities, or improved working conditions.

When you inform your current employer that you have accepted an offer with a different company, they may see your departure as a loss to the business and want to retain your talent and expertise. The counter offer is made to convince you to reconsider leaving and remain in your current position. Before accepting or declining a counter offer, you will need to consider your options carefully.

Understand Your Motivations

Think about how you felt in your current role, even before your job search. Take some time to reflect on your motivations for considering a new opportunity and applying for a new job in the first place. Was it solely about a higher salary, or are there other factors, such as career growth, work-life balance, or a better cultural fit? Understanding your motivations will help you assess the value of a counter offer objectively and make a more informed decision.

Evaluate the new counter offer

When a counter offer is presented, carefully evaluate it compared to the new opportunity you have been offered. Consider salary, benefits, growth opportunities, work environment, company culture, and long-term prospects. Take everything into consideration to assess if the new offer aligns with your career and personal goals.

Examine the Reason Behind the Counter Offer

It's important to understand why your current employer is making a counter offer. Is it because they genuinely value your contributions and want to retain you, or is it just a temporary solution to fill a gap until they find a replacement? Assess your employer’s sincerity and long-term commitment, as this can impact your decision. It's crucial to look beyond the immediate perks and consider the bigger picture, and your future career.

Consider Future Implications

While a counter offer is both enticing and flattering, consider the potential implications for your future growth. It’s always more comfortable to stay in a job you are already familiar with. However, will accepting the counter offer hinder your chances of future promotions or salary increases? Remember that your employer may view you differently after considering other job offers. Ensure that accepting any offer on the table still aligns with your long-term career objectives.

Maintain Professionalism

Throughout the process, it's essential to stay professional and have open communication with both your current and prospective employer. Be honest and transparent with your intentions, and avoid burning bridges. Express gratitude to your current employer for the counter offer, regardless of your decision. This will leave a positive impression and help maintain professional relationships.

Trust Your Gut

Ultimately, trust your instincts and intuition. Sometimes, despite a compelling counter offer, your initial decision to explore new opportunities may have been the right one. Remember your career goals and why you started looking for a job in the first place when making a decision.


Navigating counter offers from employers can take time and effort. However, with careful consideration and a focus on your career goals, you can make an informed decision that is right for you. Remember what your original motivation to make a change was so that you can evaluate the counter offer objectively. Consider the future implications, and maintain professionalism throughout the process. Trust your gut and prioritise your career growth and overall job satisfaction.


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