The Global Shuffle: Why Game Development Talent Costs Have Soared in iGaming.

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The Global Shuffle: Why Game Development Talent Costs Have Soared in iGaming

June 5, 2024

The past few years have been a whirlwind for the iGaming industry. Not only has iGaming continued to grow in popularity, but the way we recruit talent has undergone a dramatic shift. Here at Pentasia’s Game Development recruitment desk, we've been at the forefront of this change, and I want to help you understand why securing top talent now comes at a global market price.

Game Development Talent Pool: From Localised to Global

Before the pandemic, iGaming companies often focused recruitment efforts on Eastern European countries. The talent pool was deep, highly qualified, and willing to work from an office environment. This kept costs down, as salaries were significantly lower compared to Western Europe and the UK.

Then came Covid-19. Lockdowns forced the industry to embrace remote work models, and a surprising thing happened – candidates loved it. The convenience and flexibility of remote work became a game-changer. Game development professionals were no longer restricted by geography. They could now choose to work for any iGaming business globally, not just those with a local office.

This shift had a profound impact on the market. The once-localised talent pool became a global one. Those with in-demand skill sets, including game designers, game mathematicians, creative directors and artists, suddenly had access to a wider range of opportunities – at the international market rate.

The New Reality: Global Market Rates

This global talent pool has led to a significant increase in market rates across all some game development role including game design and maths, from junior to senior. While the wage hikes are substantial (think 50%!), it's important to understand they reflect the new reality. You're now competing for the best talent, whether in Western Europe, Eastern Europe or Asia, with global businesses.

Strategies for Success in the New Normal

So, how can you secure the top game development talent you need in this new landscape? Here are a few tips from my team:

      Embrace Remote Work: Offering a fully remote work model is no longer a perk, it's a necessity if you want to compete for the best.

      Competitive Compensation: Be prepared to offer salaries that reflect the global market rate. “Cheap” talent no longer exists in the gaming development space.

      Benefits Beyond the Pay check: Whilst traditional remote workers tend to be on B2B contracts as their employer will not have a local business entity, there are various options that will enable employers to provide benefits including private healthcare or pensions, over that of just a monthly salary. Take a look at or which for a small fee, will provide payroll and HR services to any business in any location, legally and on a permanent employment contract.

      Invest in Learning and Development: Show your commitment to your team's growth by offering opportunities for professional development.

      Plan Ahead, Build a Pipeline: Don't wait until a critical position opens up. Start building relationships with potential candidates proactively.

      Partner with Experts: We, at Pentasia, have a deep network within the industry and access to passive candidates who may not be actively searching for a new role.

By adopting these strategies, you can navigate the new globalised talent market and attract the skilled individuals you need to keep your game development team innovating. Remember, the best talent won't settle for anything less than a competitive offer.

If you would like to discuss this trend, or your talent requirements, please get in touch: